Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Computer Science and Mathematics of Security - Introduction



Dr Oriol Farràs Ventura   oriol.farras(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
Dr Oriol Farràs Ventura (president)    
Dr Aïda Valls Mateu   Dr Maria Bras Amorós (secretary)
Dr Josep Domingo Ferrer   Dr Alex Arenas Moreno
Dr Domènec Puig Valls   Dr Gerard Fortuny Anguera
Dr David Riaño Ramos   Dr Francesc Serratosa Casanelles
Dr Maria Carmen Julià Ferré   Dr Alejandro Estrada Moreno
Dr Agustí Solanas Gómez     
Places available  30 

The objective of this doctoral programme is to train students to become highly qualified researchers who are able to undertake research and innovation in the fields of computer systems and mathematics. In the field of mathematics, the study and development of mathematical methods and models is aimed at solving new challenges related to security in computer systems. This doctoral degree can meet the need for professionals who are able to lead research groups in the field of computer systems and information and communications technology. As a result, industrial companies will be able to recruit holders of doctoral degrees to meet the increasing demand for innovative services, which require the design and development of new computing models, new algorithms for solving problems, smart systems, and new designs for computers and telematic services.

The scope of this doctoral programme cuts across many fields of application and enables graduates to find work in many different sectors, especially those committed to computer systems.

Increasingly, companies and institutions look for people with skills related to research tasks to carry out innovation or technology transfer projects related to computer engineering.

As it forms part of the Southern Catalonia Campus of International Excellence (CEICS), this doctoral programme offers career opportunities in the priority areas of the CEICS: Chemistry and Energy, Health, Tourism, and Heritage and Culture.