Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Chemical Science and Technology - Introduction



Dra. Montserrat Diéguez Fernández



Dr Montserrat Diéguez Fernández (president)   Dr Joan Ferré Baldrich (secretary)
Dr Joan Carles Ronda Bargalló   Dr Jordi J. Carbó Martín
Dr Óscar Pàmies Ollé   Dr Beatriz Prieto Simón
Dr Arjan Kleij    
Places available  50 

The main objective of this programme is to provide intensive specialisation in key research lines in present-day chemistry, such as molecular modelling, synthesis design for different types of molecular, solid or polymeric materials, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, advanced structural characterisation methods, computational chemistry, advanced analytical techniques, chromatography and chemometrics. All of these lines are carried out in research groups of a high scientific level at the URV and offer the possibility of international mobility through many collaborations that allow doctoral students to obtain the International Doctor Mention.

Students who successfully complete the doctoral programme will be able to work in research-related organisations such as universities, research institutes and innovation centres, and in areas of interest for the productive sector, such as companies that process and produce chemicals and new materials, develop new technologies, etc.