Every academic year, the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) awards various special doctoral prizes. These academic distinctions are in recognition of doctoral theses of the highest quality.
At the proposal of the Management Committee of the Doctoral School, the Governing Council of the URV awards the Special Doctoral Prizes and gives out the corresponding certificates in an official ceremony.
Call for Special Doctoral Prize competition for the 2023-24 academic year.
Presentation period: 4th of November til 2nd of December 2024.
To be eligible for the Special Doctoral Prize, candidates must have obtained their doctoral degrees at the URV during the 2023-24(*) academic year and must:
Have been awarded the distinction cum laude for their theses;
Have made, by the time they apply for the prize, a significant scientific contribution which is based on the content of the thesis and which explicitly states their affiliation with the URV (articles in journals, books or book chapters, patents, artistic works and any other contributions that are relevant to their field of study). Researchers attached to other research structures (institutes, observatories, etc.) must clearly identify their affiliation with the URV. Affiliation with the URV must follow the guidelines for the institutional signature and affiliation approved by the Scientific Policy and Transfer Commission..
Each academic committee has approved the additional evaluation criteria it will use and any documentation that it will require from the candidates who wish to compete for a Special Doctoral Prize in their doctoral programme.
- The application form, duly completed and signed, must be accompanied by the documentation required by the academic committee and must be presented in the manner specified in the competition rules (see point 4 of the call’s conditions), duly registered and addressed to the department that supports the doctoral program that the candidate has been completed.
(*) Theses defended during the 2023-24 academic year, this is, theses defended between 1 October 2023 and 30 September 2024.
- Evaluation criteria, grading scales and specific documentation for each doctoral programme.
Check the evaluation criteria, grading scales and specific documentation required by the academic committees of each doctoral programme:
- Anthropology and Communication
- Biomedicine
- Chemical Science and Technology
- City, Territory and Sustainable Planning
- Classical Archaelogy
- Cognitive Science and Language
- Computing and Mathematic of Security: (a) Criteria for 2020-21 Call / (b) Criteria for 2021-22 Call
- Economics and Business
- Educational Technology
- Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary and Prehistory
- Fluid Mechanics
- Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies
- Health, Psychology and Psychiatry
- Humanistic Studies
- Law
- Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering
- Neurosciences
- Nursing and Health
- Nutrigenomics and Personalised Nutrition
- Nutrition and Metabolism
- Oenology and Biotechnology
- Social Work
- Technologies for Nanosystems, Bioengineering and Energy
- Thermodinamic Engineering of Fluids
- Tourism and leisure