Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Reduction of the minimum course duration for doctoral students.

Application procedure


Any doctoral student (or an authorized person) who has registered for a doctoral programme regulated by RD 99/2011 after having studied on a doctoral programme regulated by the previous regulations (RD 185/1985, RD 778/1998, RD 56/2005, RD 1393/2007) or another doctoral programme regulated by 99/2011. Also any doctoral student registered in the URV under a cotutelle agreement (with a signed cotutelle agreement)


At the General Registry of the URV or at any of its auxiliary registries. The application must be addressed to the secretary's office of the doctoral programme coordinator's department. In certain cases, it may be presented via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet (registry of other administrative procedures).


Before 15 June.


Students must present the application form addressed to the doctoral programme coordinator accompanied by the proof of registration for doctoral studies at the other university.

Resolution of the application


The Vice-rector for doctoral studies.


Within one month of the presentation of the application.


  • The academic committee, if appropriate, will approve the application and will pass the original version of the resolution to the Doctoral School.
  • The Doctoral School will send the application to the Vice-Rector for doctoral studies, who will decide on the matter.
  • The Doctoral School will send a copy of the notification and the resolution to the student, the thesis supervisor and the academic committee.




The resolution will mean that previously completed academic years of study on the original doctoral programme can be included when the student's minimum course duration is calculated in accordance with the academic and registration regulations (NAM) governing doctoral programme.

Consequently, the student only needs a pass for the doctoral programme regulated by RD 99/2011 on which he/she is currently registered. This resolution requires the student to deposit his/her thesis during the current or immediately subsequent academic year.