Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Resuming doctoral studies (doctoral thesis)


Who: The interested party or the authorized person on presentation of the necessary identification.
Where: At the General Registry of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili or at any of its auxiliary registries, addressed to the secretary's office of the department to which the doctoral programme coordinator is affiliated. In certain cases, it may be presented via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet (registry of other administrative procedures).

The request must be submitted in the same academic year in which the temporary leave of absence ends or, at the latest, in the academic year immediately after. However, it is strongly recommended to submit it within three months prior to the end of the temporary leave of absence for personal reasons.

There are two application deadlines:

  •   Application deadline: From 15 June 2024 to 14 March 2025.
  •   Extraordinary phase: from 15 March to 12 May 2025. People who submit the application in this extraordinary phase must pay the late registration fee. Regarding the annual assessment of doctoral students, if registration is done from 30 April 2025 onward, the student will only be able to participate in the second exam session (June). Consult the prices

By presenting the application form duly fulfiled and addressed to the corresponding doctoral coordinator. It must include the updated research plan and the agreement (signature) of the thesis supervisor.

Cost: None.

The Doctoral School (Escola de Doctorat, ED) will check the student academic record and inform the academic committee of the doctoral programme, and will hand over the application and documentation presented by the applicant.

As an exception for the academic year 2024-25, in the event that during one academic year a doctoral student has not formalized his/her registration, he/she can request to resume his/her studies in the immediately following academic year. If authorized by the academic committee of the doctoral programme, once the doctoral student has registered, the Campus Secretariat for Academic Management must mark that academic year as a voluntary leave for not having formalized the registration. This type of temporary leave also extends the calculation of time for the completion of the thesis.

The sum of the period of voluntary leave for personal reasons and of voluntary leave for not having formalized registration cannot, under no circumstances, exceed two years, considering, in addition, the requirements applicable in each of these cases.

Who: The academic committee of the doctorate programme
  •   At the latest by 3 April 2025.
  •   Exceptionally, until 6 June 2025.

The academic committee of the doctoral programme must base its decision on the content of the application and any factors it may consider relevant. On the basis of this, the academic committee will decide whether or not to accept the application. Likewise, they will ratify, or not, the initial thesis proposal and the thesis supervisor.

The academic committee sends to the ED the original document in which the resolution is stated.

The ED updates the data in the system and sends a copy of the resolution to the interested party, to the thesis tutor and/or the thesis supervisor and to the academic coordinator of the programme.

The ED sends the document to the Campus Secretariat for Academic Management for keeping this document in the student record. The Campus Secretariat for Academic Management will register the student according to the aproved calendar.


  The Campus Secretariat for Academic Management is going to register the student according to the aproved calendar. The student need to pay the registration receipt he/she will receive from the Campus Secretariat for Academic Management (contact details of the Secretariat for Academic Management of each Campus):

  •   The registration period is from 1 October 2024 to 10 April 2025.
  •   The extraordinary registration period is from 11 April to 13 June 2025 (paying the charge for registering after the established time period).