All students of the URV can use the services provided by the University as soon as they have enrolled. Once the enrolment process has been completed, and within 24 hours, you will be able to access all the personalised digital services (intranet, email, Virtual Campus, electronic journals, wireless network, etc.) in accordance with the URV's regulations governing the use of the information and communication technologies (ICT).
- Intranet
To be able to access all the digital services, you must first access the intranet where you will have to identify yourself. Each student has a unique user name and a password.
Access for new students
Your user name is your DNI/NIE/Passport
DNI 11111111-X
NIE X-1111111-X
passport number/National identity document from EU member states
The initial password is your date of birth in the following format: DD-MMM-AA
Example. 02-MAI-96. The month (MMM) is the first three letters of the month in Catalan. The options are: GEN, FEB, MAR, ABR, MAI, JUN, JUL, AGO, SET, OCT, NOV, DES.
Changing the password
Once you have accessed the intranet, and if you wish to do so, you can change your password. If you cannot access intranet or you do not remember the password, click on the link that you will find at the beginning of the intranet validation.
All students have an institutional email address in the following format: name.surname1@estudiants.urv.cat (unless there are repetitions). You will be sent all the institutional information to this address. All communication between the administration of the URV and the students must be done via email if possible.
To enter you must follow this path:
To validate your personal details, click on the following link: https://virtual.urv.cat
The email address assigned to your user name is an institutional one and you cannot change it for a private address. All institutional information will be sent to you at this address.
You can also configure your account in your personal computer and mobile to receive your institutional mail.
- Moodle. Virtual learning environment (VLE)
The URV's virtual learning environment (Moodle) is an online workspace that supports teaching. To access Moodle, URV users must use their user name and the institutional password to access the University's network services.
To access go to the URL: http://moodle.urv.cat
Once you have accessed Moodle, you will be able to enter the virtual classroom of all the subjects for which you have enrolled and the electronic tutorials, which are a space for working and meeting your degree tutor.
During the year, any change in your personal or enrolment details, will be reflected in the VLE in the 48 hours following the change.
Some spaces are labelled as "unavailable to students" when you try to access because the lecturers limit their availability.
For any problem or request about Moodle, you can ask suport.moodle@urv.cat
- Supervision and evaluation of doctoral students (SAD)
The work carried out by doctoral students during the process of writing their doctoral thesis is evaluated every year. Students must receive a positive evaluation to be able to continue with their doctoral studies and to register for the following academic year. The "SAD - Supervision and Assessment of Doctoral Students" is the online platform that will allow doctoral students to complete their Doctoral Student Activities Document (DAD) and Research Plan (PLAINV) online and which will enable thesis supervisors and the academic committees to supervise and assess their doctoral students.
SAD shows academic information (deadline for depositing the doctoral thesis, full-time or part-time studies, temporal leaves or extensions, research line, thesis supervisor, etc.).
The username and the password are the same as the ones you use to access the URV's digital services.
Students can access the SAD platform after registration, but they can introduce information only when the period for introducing and/or modifying the DAD and the PLAINV is open. The assessment calendar shows these periods.
For more information regarding the annual assessment or its content, access the “User guide for doctoral students" and the SAD online platform visit this link
For any problem or request about SAD, you can ask phd.avaluacio(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Innovation and Reserach Information System (IRIS)
IRIS will allow you to create an open CV associated to your research in URV, with a public profile and a private profile. You can include in IRIS your training, your teaching, the participation in conferences, the results of your research, etc.
This tool may be very useful for your future in order to apply for research projects, job positions, your public research, etc. in order to increase your visibility and dissemination of your results.
Accesing to IRIS is made through the webpage: https://iris.urv.cat/. The username and the password are the same as the ones you use to access the URV's digital services.
For any problem or request about IRIS, you can ask iris(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat