Cross-disciplinary training activities
The URV offers a range of cross-disciplinary training activities that doctoral students can choose to complement their scientific training.
These activities are common to all doctoral programmes. They broaden the knowledge of students, fostering generic skills and interdisciplinary relations between them.
See the cross-disciplinary training activities for the current acadèmic year
Specific training activities
In addition to the cross-disciplinary training activities, the doctoral programme includes a series of specific training activities (some optional and some compulsory).
The specific activities for the doctoral programme in Business and Economics are as follows:
Information sessions: These are compulsory for first-year students
- Organisation of the doctoral programme: October/November of each academic year.
- Mobility grants: October/November of each academic year.
- Seeking and managing scientific information bases: November/December of each academic year.
Seminaris and courses
- The doctoral degree will organise seminars and courses depending on availability.
- Seminars and courses are organised by the Departments of Economics and Business Management.
- From September to October at least one course per month will be offered; in all other months except August a minimum of two will be offered.
- Full-time students must attend at least two courses per year during the first two years. Part-time students must attend at least four courses during the first three years.
- All courses/seminars have some system for controlling attendance and/or assessment.
Seminars for monitoring the progress of doctoral theses. These are compulsory
- Each doctoral student will make two presentations.
- In the second year these seminars will be held in June/July.
- In the third year they will be held in February/March.
Participation in conferences, scientific meeting and worksshops
- Students are required to present the results of their thesis at least once at an international conference, scientific meeting or workshop.
Preparation and preentation of articles
- As a general rule, students are required to have an article accepted by a JCR or SCOPUS journal.
- This requirement will be considered before the thesis is accepted for defence. If it has not been met, the students must present a report endorsed by their supervisor in which they explain the reasons. If the students have other publications, the Academic Committee will assess the activities and the report submitted.
- Theses with an International Doctor Mention involving stays at universities and research centres abroad will be encouraged.
- All these activities are reflected in the Doctoral Student Activity Report (DAD). If a student does not present the DAD annually, enrolment for the next academic year will not be accepted. If a student's DAD is considered insufficient in an academic year, they will be asked to improve it in the following year. If it is considered insufficient in two consecutive academic years, the student will be disenrolled from the doctoral programme.
Mobility and scientific exchange activities
Attendance at an international conference, meeting or workshop is compulsory. Students are recommended and encouraged to present a thesis with the International Doctor Mention.
More information about the mobility: Mobility