Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Economics and Business - Research lines and supervisors



The Doctoral Programme in Business and Economics comprises ten research lines. The teaching staff taking part in the programme, and who are listed below, are members of the URV, and research is undertaken in the following research groups.

The research groups affiliated to the Department of Economics are the following: 

The four research groups that belong to the Department of Economics also form part of the Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability (ECO-SOS).

The research groups affiliated to the Department of Business Management are the following: 

With respect to the direction of each doctoral thesis, the programme also has external collaborators, who complement the experience of the researchers in the permanent teaching staff.

The curriculum details of the programme's teaching staff includes the name of the research group that each researcher belongs to. You may send them an e-mail by selecting their name from the list.

Accounting and Finance

Dr Campa Planas, Fernando Dr Càmara Turull, Xavier - CV
Dra Ferreira Gregorio, Valeria Soledad - CV Dr Ginieis Iribarren, Matías Carlos - CV
Dra Li , Xiaoni - CV Dra Niñerola Monserrat, Angels - CV
Dr Osório Da Costa , António Miguel - CV Dra Pié Dols, Laia - CV
Dra Sánchez Rebull, María Victoria - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dr González Santoyo, Federico (UMSNH en Morelia)

Financial markets and products

Dra Barberà Mariné, Maria Glòria - CV Dra Fabregat Aibar, Laura - CV
Dr Fernández Bariviera, Aurelio - CV Dra Manzano Tovar, Carolina - CV
Dra Pié Dols, Laia - CV Dra Sorrosal Forradellas, Maria Teresa - CV
Dr Terceño Gómez, Antonio - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dra Ferré Carracedo, Montserrat

Health, education and welfare

Dra Carles Lavila, Misericòrdia - CV Dra Cascón Pereira, Rosalia Montserrat - CV
Dr Díaz Serrano, Luis - CV Dr Giménez Gómez, José Manuel - CV
Dr Mañé Vernet, Ferran - CV Dra Pàmies Pallisé, Maria Del Mar - CV
Dr Quesada Arana, Antonio - CV Dr Theilen , Bernd Georg - CV
Dra Valverde Aparicio, Mireia - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dr Carvajal Martí, Joan Josep - CV Dr Coca Villalba, Fernando
Dra Iranzo Sancho, Susana - CV Dra Pérez Lacasta, Maria José - CV
Dra Reguero De La Poza, Maria Del Mar - CV Dr Vidal Suñé, Antoni - CV

Industrial economy

Dr Arauzo Carod, Josep Maria - CV Dr Flores Fillol, Ricardo - CV
Dr Giménez Gómez, José Manuel - CV Dr Manjón Antolín, Miguel Carlos - CV
Dra Manzano Tovar, Carolina - CV Dr Osório Da Costa , António Miguel - CV
Dr Segarra Blasco, Agustí - CV Dra Teruel Carrizosa, Mercedes - CV
Dr Theilen , Bernd Georg - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dra Ferré Carracedo, Montserrat Dra Iranzo Sancho, Susana - CV
Dra Martín Bofarull, Mónica - CV

Marketing and consumer behaviour

Dr Ginieis Iribarren, Matías Carlos - CV Dra Papaoikonomou , Eleni - CV
Dra Pàmies Pallisé, Maria Del Mar - CV Dr Ryan , Gerard Anthony - CV
Dra Valverde Aparicio, Mireia - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dr Bustos Diaz, Javier (ESIC) Dra Morales Pérez, Soledad (UOC)
Dra Pacheco Bernal, Carmen

Mathematical and quantitative methods

Dr Aslanidis , Nektarios - CV Dra Barberà Mariné, Maria Glòria - CV
Dr De Andrés Sánchez, Jorge - CV Dra Fabregat Aibar, Laura - CV
Dr Fernández Bariviera, Aurelio - CV Dr Giménez Gómez, José Manuel - CV
Dr Llerena Garrés, Francisco - CV Dra Lovcha Lovcha, Yuliya - CV
Dr Manjón Antolín, Miguel Carlos - CV Dra Manzano Tovar, Carolina - CV
Dr Osório Da Costa , António Miguel - CV Dr Quesada Arana, Antonio - CV
Dra Sorrosal Forradellas, Maria Teresa - CV Dr Terceño Gómez, Antonio - CV
Dra Vilella Bach, Misericòrdia - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dra Gorjup , Maria Tatiana (UNRN) - CV Dr Martínez Ibáñez, Oscar - CV
Dr Perez Laborda, Alejandro - CV Dra Reguero De La Poza, Maria Del Mar - CV

Organisation, strategy and human resources

Dr Alarcón Alarcón, Amado - CV Dra Cascón Pereira, Rosalia Montserrat - CV
Dra García Álvarez, María Ercilia - CV Dra Hernandez Lara, Ana Beatriz - CV
Dra Niñerola Monserrat, Angels - CV Dra Setó Pamies, Maria Dolores - CV
Dra Torres Coronas, Maria Teresa - CV Dra Valverde Aparicio, Mireia - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dra Joanpere Foraster, Mar - CV Dr Trullén Fernández, Jorge
Dr Vidal Suñé, Antoni - CV

Public Economics

Dr Flores Fillol, Ricardo - CV Dr Giménez Gómez, José Manuel - CV
Dr Llerena Garrés, Francisco - CV Dra Llop Llop, Maria - CV
Dr Osório Da Costa , António Miguel - CV Dr Quesada Arana, Antonio - CV
Dr Sardà Pons, Jordi - CV Dr Theilen , Bernd Georg - CV
Dra Vilella Bach, Misericòrdia - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dra Ferré Carracedo, Montserrat


Dr Alarcón Alarcón, Amado - CV Dr Nicolas Sans, Ruben (UNIE Universidad)
Dra Perez Albert, Maria Yolanda - CV Dr Theilen , Bernd Georg - CV
Dr Ubalde Buenafuente, Josep (UdL) - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dr Brunet Icart, Ignacio - CV Dr Böcker , Rafael - CV
Dra Joanpere Foraster, Mar - CV

Urban, rural, regional, real estate, and transportation economics

Dr Arauzo Carod, Josep Maria - CV Dr Duro Moreno, Juan Antonio - CV
Dr Díaz Serrano, Luis - CV Dra Ferreira Gregorio, Valeria Soledad - CV
Dr Flores Fillol, Ricardo - CV Dra Llop Llop, Maria - CV
Dra Lovcha Lovcha, Yuliya - CV Dr Manjón Antolín, Miguel Carlos - CV
Dra Pié Dols, Laia - CV Dr Segarra Blasco, Agustí - CV
Dra Sánchez Rebull, María Victoria - CV Dra Teruel Carrizosa, Mercedes - CV
Supervisors in collaboration
Dr Perez Laborda, Alejandro - CV