Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Humanistic Studies - Presentation



Dr Ramon Arnabat Mata   ramon.arnabat(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
Dr Ramon Arnabat Mata (president)   Dr M. Dolores Jiménez López (secretary)
Dr Diana Gorostidi   Dr M. Isabel Oltra Massuet
Dr Marta Serrano Coll   Dr Maria Bonet Donato
Places available  40 

The objective of the doctoral degree in Humanistic Studies is to train students to become high-level researchers who are able to work in both basic and applied research in the field of human sciences.

The doctoral students will learn to carry out high-quality research by acquiring and developing broad and deep competencies in the various analytical and methodological techniques. They will also acquire the necessary skills to participate successfully in the various forums at which they have to present their research results. This training is geared towards the research lines of the groups linked primarily to the Faculty of Arts, in collaboration with groups and departments of other national and international universities.

The doctoral studies in Humanistic Studies include the preparation and presentation of the doctoral thesis, which is an original research work in the field of human sciences.

It is also aimed to select the best scientific, creative, innovative and entrepreneurial talent in order to train students with the critical skills and competencies necessary for their future as researchers. 

The entry profile of the students of the doctoral programme in Humanistic Studies requires that the new students hold a previous Master’s degree in related fields, speak English correctly and have knowledge of French, have a good command in TIC and fulfil the specific requirements.

Students who successfully complete the doctoral programme will be able to work in the following fields:


Linguistics and Language
