- Tuition fees
For more information, consult the website Registration fees.
- Specific assistance and grants of the programme
The Academic Committee of the URV's doctoral programme in Humanistic Studies awards a series of specific grants (Types A and B) to doctoral candidates and thesis supervisors every academic year.
The Academic Committee will evaluate the applications and award a grant to selected projects depending on the funds available and the allocation criteria in each case.
These grants are divided into three categories:
1. Financial assistance for doctoral students and thesis supervisors under the URV's doctoral programme in Humanistic Studies.
2. Mobility grants of up to €1500 for doctoral students of the URV's programme in Humanistic Studies.
3. Grants of up to €600 for doctoral students in order to promote academic activities by doctoral students that benefit their training.
- General support and grants
A great variety of support is available for training of doctoral students in the form of contracts for research, mobility grants and prizes for top-quality work.
For more information, consult the website Grants and awards for doctoral studies.