Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Computer Science and Mathematics of Security - Training activities



Cross-disciplinary training activities

The URV offers a range of cross-disciplinary training activities that doctoral students can choose to complement their scientific training.

These activities are common to all doctoral programmes. They broaden the knowledge of students, fostering generic skills and interdisciplinary relations between them.

See the cross-disciplinary training activities for the current academic year

Specific training activities


1.    Dissemination and publication of research results
Communication of the research results obtained in the doctoral thesis by oral or written presentation at scientific conferences, acceptance for publication or publication of articles in specialised journals (ISI or equivalent), book chapters, books or other activities of knowledge dissemination, in accordance with the standards of each research line.

At least one scientific article must be accepted before the thesis defence.

2.    Mobility and scientific exchange
Mobility involves a stay of at least 20 hours outside the URV, and preferably outside Spain, undertaking activities or research in the discipline in higher education institutions, prestigious research centres or ones with which the URV has agreements.

If the stay of is for three months and the host institution or institutions are in other countries, the doctoral student will be eligible for an International Doctor Mention.

Mobility involves at least attending national or international conferences, seminars, workshops or other activities in which students travel and network with other researchers of their scientific field or related fields.

More information about the mobility programs: Mobility 


1.    Participation in seminars
Doctoral students must attend seminars at any time during the three years of the doctoral degree. In addition, they may make an oral presentation of their thesis project or any of their thesis contributions within the seminar series of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics. They are recommended to present a seminar during the first year, so that they can receive comments and suggestions from other researchers.

2.    Co-supervision of bachelor's theses and master's theses
Supervising other students allows doctoral students to learn to design, develop and carry out innovative projects in their field of knowledge. This activity can be done at any time during the thesis, although students are recommended to do it from the second year, in order to have a clearly defined research topic.

3.    Training in Research Projects
The students may participate in tasks of research projects that the supervisor considers suitable for their research training. This activity allows them to become familiar with the processes that take place during a research project.