The doctorate programme in Computer Science and Mathematics of Security is structured in 4 research lines. You can find the list of supervisors in this webpage. The permanent supervisors (Lecturers, Professors and permanent research staff) of the programme are URV staff and are members of the following research groups:
- Alephsys: Algorithms embedded in Physical Systems
- BANZAI : Research group on Artificial Intelligence
- CloudLab: Cloud and Distributed Systems Lab
- COPRICA: Codes, Privacy and Algebraic Combinatorics
- CRISES: Security and Privacy
- DIDACMAT: Didactics of Mathematics
- DSFluids (Dynamical Systems in Fluid Mechanics)
- ITAKA: Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition
- MATDISCR: Discrete Mathematics
- RIVI: Intelligent Robotics and Computer vision
- SmartHealth
- SSAI (Sistemes Sensorials Aplicats a la Indústria)
You will find in the CV of the supervisors the research groups they belong to. You can send them and e-mail clicking on their name in the list.
There are also external supervisors that collaborate in the supervision of the doctoral theses, and they complement the expertise of the doctoral programme permanent supervisors.
Security and Privacy in Computer Systems |
Supervisors | |
Dr Castellà Roca, Jordi - CV | Dr Domingo Ferrer, Josep - CV |
Dr Farràs Ventura, Oriol - CV | Dr Martínez Ballesté, Antoni - CV |
Dr Solanas Gómez, Agustín - CV | Dr Sánchez Ruenes, David - CV |
Dr Trujillo Rasua, Rolando - CV | Dr Viejo Galicia, Luis Alexandre - CV |
Supervisors in collaboration | |
Dr Anglés Tafalla, Carles - CV | Dr Blanco Justicia, Alberto - CV |
Dr Haddi , Zouhair (NVISION SYSTEMS&TEC.) | Dr Soria Comas, Jorge |
Telematic Architectures and Complex Networks |
Supervisors | |
Dr Arenas Moreno, Alejandro - CV | Dr Duch Gavaldà, Jordi - CV |
Dra Ferré Bergadà, Maria - CV | Dr García López, Pedro Antonio - CV |
Dra Granell Martorell, Clara - CV | Dr Gómez Jiménez, Sergio - CV |
Dr Martínez Ballesté, Antoni - CV | Dr Millán Marco, Pedro - CV |
Dr Molina Clemente, Carlos María - CV | Dr Sanchez Artigas, Marc - CV |
Supervisors in collaboration | |
Dr Barcelona Pons, Daniel - CV | Dr Gracia Tinedo, Raúl |
Dr Marin , Eduard | Dr Messeguer Pallarès, Roque (UPC) |