Cross-disciplinary training activities
The URV offers a range of cross-disciplinary training activities that doctoral students can choose to complement their scientific training.
These activities are common to all doctoral programmes. They broaden the knowledge of students, fostering generic skills and interdisciplinary relations between them.
See the cross-disciplinary training activities for the current academic year
Specific training activities
In addition to the cross-disciplinary training activities, the doctoral programme in Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering includes a series of specific training activities (some optional and some compulsory), as detailed below.
The specific activities for the doctoral programme are as follows:
- Research training: Preparation and defence of the doctoral thesis. This is the main activity of doctoral students and takes three years. The thesis must be written in English.
- Training in dissemination and publication of research results: Presentation of research results in publications, conferences, etc. Each doctoral student must prove the publication or acceptance of at least one scientific article in an indexed publication of their field of knowledge.
- Training in R&D Management: Includes management and planning of research projects, analysis of scientific literature, oral presentations, scientific ethics and technical language. This training is to be done preferably in the first two years.
- Multidisciplinary seminars: Further theoretical and scientific training in the form of seminars given by experts. Of the offer of seminars at the URV and related institutions, the students must attend a minimum of 25 seminars (two hours per seminar) during their doctoral degree.
- Doctoral symposium: A yearly event at which the students present their research through posters or oral communications.
- Other recognised activities (external or internal generic courses). Applied, practical, technological or procedural training. The students must attend a minimum of 50 hours during the doctoral programme. Students can choose freely from content related to the doctoral degree. For example, it includes courses with specialised content, information sources, databases, ISO, occupational hazards, languages, etc. Each training activity must be documented (copy of the certificate of attendance, book of abstracts, etc.) for inclusion in the annual assessment.
Mobility and scientific exchange activities
Mobility is compulsory in the Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering programme.
Mobility involves stays carrying out activities or research in higher education institutions or research centres outside the URV, and preferably outside Spain. If the stay is for three months or more and the host institution is foreign, the doctoral student will be eligible for the International Doctor Mention. Mobility also includes attending conferences, seminars, workshops or other activities in which students travel and network with other researchers of their scientific field or related fields.
More information about the mobility: Mobility