Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering - Training activities



Cross-disciplinary training activities

The URV offers a range of cross-disciplinary training activities that doctoral students can choose to complement their scientific training.

These activities are common to all doctoral programmes. They broaden the knowledge of students, fostering generic skills and interdisciplinary relations between them.

See the cross-disciplinary training activities for the current academic year

Specific training activities

In addition to the cross-disciplinary training activities, the doctoral programme in Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering includes a series of specific training activities (some optional and some compulsory), as detailed below.

The specific activities for the doctoral programme are as follows:

Mobility and scientific exchange activities

Mobility is compulsory in the Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering programme.

Mobility involves stays carrying out activities or research in higher education institutions or research centres outside the URV, and preferably outside Spain. If the stay is for three months or more and the host institution is foreign, the doctoral student will be eligible for the International Doctor Mention. Mobility also includes attending conferences, seminars, workshops or other activities in which students travel and network with other researchers of their scientific field or related fields.

More information about the mobility: Mobility