Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Tourism and Leisure - Admission and enrolment



Here you can see the access requirements and general admission criteria to pre-register to the doctoral programme.

In addition to this, check the specific admission criteria of this programme, which you will find below on this website.

Here you will find the academic calendar, the link to pre-register and which documentation you should present in PDF for pre-registration.

Specific admission criteria of the doctoral programme

Specific requirements 

In addition to the general documents required for admission, students wishing to enter the doctoral programme in Tourism and Leisure must submit the following specific documents:

All applicants for admission to the programme must attend an interview with the programme coordinator and the director of the research line in which they wish to carry out their thesis project. In this interview the programme coordinator and the director of the research line will assess the students' training needs and, if they are admitted, they will agree with them on a plan of action to follow.

The objective of the plan of action is to ensure that the doctoral students progress suitably in the preparation of their thesis project. It will therefore include the specific activities that each doctoral student must carry out in a timely manner to obtain the validation of their thesis project by the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme prior to their admission, as well as any specific additional training activities that they must carry out while they are preparing the thesis after admission. 


Merits and assessment criteria

Students will be selected according to the following assessment criteria: 

In addition, this doctoral programme has a structural proposal for collaboration with the University of Quintana Roo, according to which this university undertakes to contribute up to five doctoral students to the URV's programme each year. These students will be tutored, and their research will be supervised, under equivalent conditions.

Complementary training

The academic committee of the Doctoral Programme will decide the bridging courses that each candidate needs to take on the basis of each candidate's previous academic training.
In any case, the bridging courses will be the subjects oriented towards research from the Official Master's Degree in Techniques of Analysis and Innovation currently offered by the URV or from the master's degrees in tourism, if necessary.

See how to enrol here.