Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Social Work - Admission and enrolment



Here you can see the access requirements and general admission criteria to pre-register to the doctoral programme.

In addition to this, check the specific admission criteria of this programme, which you will find below on this website.

Here you will find the academic calendar, the link to pre-register and which documentation you should present in PDF for pre-registration.

Specific admission criteria of the doctoral programme

Specific requirements 

No specific requirements.

Merits and assessment criteria

If the number of applications exceeds the maximum number of places available, the Academic Committee will avaluate each application in accordance to the following criteria:

1. The academic transcript of the student's undergraduate and postgraduate degrees that enable their admission to the doctorate, in accordance with the regulations governing grading and assessment of academic transcripts (75%).

2. Recommendations or academic endorsements (two letters; 5%).

3. Research experience, including articles, research studies, and participations at conferences (20%).

Complementary training

In the case of students whose master's qualifications are not connected with social work, social services, social policy or social or educational intervention, the academic committee of the interuniversity doctoral degree will stipulate which bridging courses are to be followed. These bridging courses will either be subjects offered by the URV and the other participating universities or specific seminars that are offered to provide candidates with the training they need.

See how to enrol here.