Universitat Rovira i Virgili




The Doctoral Programme in Social Work aims to promote the training of researchers and professionals so they can undertake in-depth study into the programme's research lines and engage in specific debates in the field of social work.

Social work

Research on the conceptualisation of social work, the discipline of social work, the methodology of social intervention.

Research in social work in the fields of health, functional diversity, childhood, etc...

The practice of social work

Research on systems of systematisation of social practices

Research on professionals in the psycho-social fields, methodologies for analysing practice, supervision and assessment of social and health service teams, support and care for professionals.

Research on interdisciplinarity

Social services - Structure - Social Policies

Research on the structure of social services and the welfare model. Models and organisation of social services. Legal regime of care for people in the field of social services. Basic Social Services and Specialised Social Services. Social services in the local setting.

Research on the social third sector. Formal and informal networks. Organisational, functional and intervention structure of social action organisations.

Research on digitisation processes of social services and eHealth, new technologies and ethics applied to new technologies,

Studying the family

Research on social intervention in family environments. Family networks and dynamics and social intervention- Formal and informal family support networks.

Family dynamics and social intervention, new family models

The study of groups and communities

Research on group or community social intervention. Networking. Associative movements.

Research in formal social services, health, educational and informal networks, family, friends, neighbours, support.

Research on innovative methodologies in social intervention

Packaging and care.

Policies and strategies in the care of long-term dependent persons. Digitalisation of social services and care systems. Housing for the elderly. Ageism, loneliness, abuse and neglect in elderly people.


Education for health/Dietary Education. Social Work and Eating Disorders. Food and social vulnerability. Food safety

Research on Social Work and Mental Health, functional diversity


Research on Socialisation processes, gender and health. Gender and social work, women professionals, women carers, social workers, gender potentials.

Research in Gender Violence: models and methods of intervention

History of Social Work from a Gender Perspective

Social practice

Research on systems of systematisation of social practices

Research on professionals: methodologies for analysing practice, supervision and assessment of social and health service teams, support and care for professionals.


Migration and Social Work, mobilities, interculturalism, resources and abilities, services, regulation, migrant women. Immigration and social services. Social intervention in immigration. Public management of immigration.

Social exclusion

Research on poverty, social exclusion and marginalisation. Attention to people without support. Housing emergency and energy poverty.

Research on Resilience

Research on social exclusion and social and employment pathways.


Research in intergenerational relations, intercultural education, education for citizenship, education and social work. Social mentoring