La relación entre el doctorando o doctoranda y su director, directora o directores de tesis es una pieza clave del éxito de un programa de doctorado. La formación doctoral, que culmina con la obtención del título de doctor o doctora, debe entenderse también como el proceso mediante el cual se alcanza este objetivo y, en esta etapa, el efecto de una dirección de tesis adecuada tiene un impacto determinante.
"Doctoral education is dependent on active researchers to supervise doctoral candidates and bring them into excellent and inclusive research environments. Supervisors need to have research experience in order to guide the doctoral candidates. They must have the time to meet doctoral candidates and give sufficient and timely feedback on the progress of their research. Supervisors need to have the dedication to deliver good supervision. They also need training to be able to perform their duties, and recognise and react to challenges in the interaction with doctoral candidates in a timely fashion."
ISBN: 9789078997597