The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) requires university institutions to make a commitment to transparency and quality through a formally established and publically available internal quality assurance system (IQAS).
- Internal quality assurance system of Doctoral School
The Doctoral School (ED) has established a system to guarantee the quality of master's and doctoral qualifications.
The ED's Quality Policy document defines the vision, mission and objectives of the ED. The ED's Quality Manual (catalan version) shows the responsabilites and the processes to guarantee the quality of the degrees taught in the ED and the IQAS.
The ED's IQAS and the processes shown in this webpage are implented, and in a continuous procees of improvement and update.
- Processes of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Doctoral School
- The Doctoral School’s Quality Assurance Committee
The governing bodies involves in quality assurance at the Doctoral School (ED) are:
► The IQAS Officer, Dr Alex Fragoso Sierra, is responsible for ensuring that the processes necessary for the correct functioning of the IQAS are put into place, implemented and upheld. The IQAS Officer also compiles and analyses the results in order to make suggestions for improvement and is accountable for the IQAS's development.
► The Quality Assurance Committee, guarantees the IQAS is effectively implemented on the doctoral programmes taught at the ED by means of a management process framework and with a commitment to continuous improvement. It is also responsible for monitoring the roll-out of the IQAS and suggesting changes and improvements. The Doctoral School's Management Committee assumes the Quality Assurance Committee's responsibilities.
Therefore, the Quality Assurance Committee has the following composition:
- The School's Director, who chairs it.
- The Secretary
- The School's IQAS Officer
- The Doctoral School's Administrative Manager
- The coordinators of the URV's own doctoral programmes or the inter-university programmes coordinated by the URV
- A representative of each of the institutions participating in the ED, provided that this is explicitly stated in the agreement signed with the URV and the corresponding institution
- Two doctoral students chosen by and from this group